Monday, February 13, 2017

I Love When Things Click!

I'm cooking right now, but something hit me hard and Big and I'm SO Excited! I had to write it down before it's gone.
So Pretty much Everybody knows I'm single and I'm gonna be that way for a hella long time probs. I know I'm high-maintenance and Crazy to boot. Barney in How I Met Your Mother is TOTALLY Accurate with his Crazy to Hott scale for women. And I'm simply Never going to fall into the "Safe" Range. I've also always loved those memes about a girl needing a guy who can "handle her". Although...Will Smith's is my Fave.
Crap my food's burning.
Hold that thought.
Ok ok.

But that's the thing. How did I miss this?! I already have a man to handle my Crazy!
Christ came and saved me, from my sin, Pain, drama and my Crazy :D
Cause sorry Will - I can't handle that shit.
But neither could any guy and it's bothered me for a while.

I guess. I thought. I dunno. That I had to be Worth It. That all my Pain, my Brokeness and my Crazy.
I guess I figured that it had to be kinda like Barney's Chart.
Not with hottness to even it.
But like - Good works, kindness, thoughtfulness - all those Fruits of the Spirit.
Like - maybe if I could be Crazy AND a Proverbs 31 Woman - then I would be dateable.
But that's not how it has to work!
And Good thing too - Because that's just Too Much.

Just because no man I know is 100% Perfect.
Just because none of them are Christ, Himself...
That doesn't mean they can't handle me.
Like I said - I can't handle me!

But I've found, rather recently - that I don't have to.
Which is good because I don't have the Strength for my Crazy Brokenness.
Which is why I am SO Grateful that God gives me HIS Strength.

And that's the answer.
That's what clicked.

I don't need a guy to think I'm Worth It.
That I fit into the "Safe" quadrant on some Christian Barney-style Chart.
I just need the patience to wait for a guy who's willing to pray for the Strength to deal with The Crazy.
Just like me.

I assume I will be praying for Strength for His Obliviousness as well.
So it evens out rather nicely probs :)

Anyhoot - my food's done and I'm hungry.
Just pretty excited to have that puzzle piece click into place.

Thanks BigMan

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