Sunday, March 8, 2015

A Ramble Through My Mind

Hey Everybody,

Have you ever tried to shove what seems to be too many crayons into their box before? And they’re straining against each other and stretching the box and they just don’t seem to want to fit in any orderly fashion. It’s like the box is actually fighting you, bulging and puffing up in anger. You, being the one with the brain, know the crayons can all fit in the box (Let’s exclude those extra crayons you happen to have lying around). So you rearrange. You take out the ones that fall to the bottom and pull them back up. Your fingers are a bit forceful, but it’s alright, you’ve had this box forever and you know it won’t break.

This is how I’ve felt since I took my blinders off in 2013, when I recommitted my life to Christ. It’s not just that I see clearly. It’s like God said, “I gave her all this experience and now I’m gonna interpret it for her.” So these past  9 ½ year are being digested for the first time quite rapidly, and like that crayon box, occasionally I think I’m gonna just rip open or explode from the amount of raw wisdom I’m acquiring and don’t quite know what to do with.

I can’t say I always apply it as I should. There are many times I simply flick God off and scream “screw you!” to the Heavens. Yes. I know. Not smart. Or wise for that matter. “When you saw only one set of footprints it was then that I carried you…That long groove over there is where I dragged you kicking and screaming…” That’s SO my life! My Mom gave me the best compliment when she told me how spiritually mature she thought I was because she said when bad stuff happens to me, I run towards God instead of away from Him. I’m sorry Mom, I wish that was true. But no, more often than I care to admit, I freak out and haul my butt onto the next bus out of town. I know He’ll find me though, He always does.

I like to think I’ve gotten past some of the temper tantrums though; that I’m no longer kicking and screaming. But I know that’s probably not even the case. That has to do with this newfangled sight I’ve been given. It’s always been there; since I became a Christian my eyes were opened. But like I said, I’ve had blinders on. Let me explain. When I became Bipolar and started fighting, well, everything, the only way I could do that was to ignore everything I believed. To put my hand over my eyes and say if I can’t see the difference between right and wrong, then it doesn’t exist, yeah? False. Doesn’t work that way.

It causes a lot of heartache though. When you constantly ignore your beliefs you forget things. Important things. Basic theology. Bible verses. And I swear, someone’s rearranged the The New Testament  since I’ve seen it last. And now that I’ve taken these blinders off God’s like, “Ok, you got a lot of catching up to do Babe. Take off your going out boots, put on your glasses, pull up a rug next to the fire and open to Romans…” (anywhere in Romans really, I’m not picky).

I’ll tell you my most recent nugget of wisdom. Crying. It’s not as evil as I thought it was. Ok, so maaaaybe not new news to all of you. But I absolutely hate crying. Like, loathe. With a vengeance. Despise, abhor, detest. Yeah, you get the picture. And I cry, like, a lot. And frankly, I don’t care if you know I cry, but very few people will see my cry. THAT is a no-no in my book. I think it’s a family trait. The not like people seeing me cry, not the crying all the time.

Anyways, the thing is, because of my Borderline, I feel things more deeply than the average person. Yes, this ties into separation anxiety and unnatural attachments. It’s kinda scary how things will be SO important to me because of these “overwhelming emotions” as the doctors call them. For example, I’ve gotten hysterical before when my girlfriends cancelled on me for a movie. It was ridiculous, but it wasn’t the first time I’ve gotten hysterical over something like that, or the last time. I was talking to my therapist a couple weeks ago and it hit me when he was talking about these overwhelming emotions and how they come in out of nowhere and hit you like a semi sometimes. Really, you can’t even breathe it hurts so bad and you’re like, “Where the hell did that come from?” I looked at him and I said, “It’s never gonna go away is it?” “No. It isn’t.”

You see, they always tell you the bipolar has a chance of going away. That’s the mood swings. But the depth of feeling, that’s Borderline and Borderline’s forever. We talked about one day getting off the meds and just managing through DBT. I’ve never thought before that’s something that’d ever be possible and it’s certainly not right now and I’m definitely NOT suggesting it is for everyone, or even me to be honest. I recently went off my meds and had a full blown manic attack, hallucinations, delusions, spiritual revelations and all. But it wasn’t done correctly and I’d like to see if, done carefully supervised and slowly, maybe in a year, if I could survive these emotions with the tools God and my therapist are giving me.

And that’s a terrifying thought. Managing these 18-wheeler collisions all by myself. But that’s the thing. I’m not all by myself. I have my friends, my family and the Trinity. But if I do end up off my meds, that probably means I’m gonna cry even more than I do now and up until last week that was totally unacceptable. But last week we had communion, and me, being this ridiculous mega feeler only had to hear the words, “body broken for you” and look at the bread in my hands and with my new eyes see Jesus on the cross and of course I burst into tears every time. Like, every time. And usually I hate it. And last week I did hate it. But then I stopped and with my newfound thinking  I thought, “But you being you, Kt. Wouldn’t you rather feel more than is normal, then less than is normal?” And I am a fan of false dichotomies, but likened to that example, they can sometimes help.

I’m most definitely not a fan of emotion. But I’ve also been numb in the past, with a heart made of ice that sat in the freezer of my soul. And . That. Was. Horrible. Thawing it out was also a very painful process. I just don’t want to hate a part of me that’s here forever. One of the things I know about myself is I can see the good in people and in many situations that not everyone can see. I don’t always do this with myself. That’s more of an avalanche of wisdom I’m currently discussing with people, why are we worth loving? On that note, I’ll take my leave. Thanks for listening and have a great day.
