Saturday, June 11, 2016


You know how some people say they're filled with so much happiness they could burst? I have that too, but it's not happiness. It's not even joy or contentment. For over a decade there was a hole in the pit of my stomach. I'm sure you've heard the cliche, but I'm not using it right now. It is just the best way to describe how it felt. A blackhole that sucked everything that was Good, everything that was God, everything that made me - me ~ a #Void that was So Big and Empty I couldn't even begin to fill it in, although I tried. I got used to it's presence, but it never got easier. If anything, every day it sucked more and more Life out of me. I was almost all gone last year. Depleted and in So Much Pain, I couldn't remember what it was like to feel Whole. Like Back to the Future - I was vanishing, but from the inside out. There was So Little of me left last February. The Void was So Big, so very #Empty. #Hope had long since dissipated into its depths, as well as anything I once believed. Everything I knew was a lie. Nothing remained but #Despair. I often wonder if it's my stubbornness that brought this on, my inability to blindly believe. And yet, I don't believe it truly matters, because it is also my stubbornness and my constant seeking of the Truth that has me the person I am now. I'm not content with blind faith. I question God. I question Everything. I think So Much it HURTS. I pepper my Lord with questions and insolence every moment of every day and He Loves it in ways. Because He knows I trust Him, even when I don't get an answer now. Even if I'm unsatisfied with the answer - I #Trust Him. I'll complain and argue with Him about anything and everything, but I will follow Him as I do. Through anything - I will follow my #God. He didn't have to - but He proved Himself to me, over and over again. I doubted Him, I distrusted Him, I scorned and mocked Him. What's worse - I blamed Him for my pain. Still do often actually. We're still working on that one. I never demanded He prove Himself. No - I BEGGED Him to. And He did. My faith really was like a #MustardSeed. So small and pathetic at first. But with time and patience - it has grown. And today - I can tell you that my void is Gone. It has been for quite some time. Not only that - but I am often So Full and Overflowing -not with any emotion- but with #LOVE. Love In it's raw, unadulterated and Holy form. And I'm not talking about that overused, misunderstood and incredibly mistreated term of endearment. I'm talking about #Agape. For Ever and For Always - my God, You will Be. Thank You Yaweh - from now until Eternity - I know you will never let me go <3