Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Known Love

"To be loved but not known is comforting but superficial. To be known and not loved is our greatest fear. But to be fully known and truly loved is, well, a lot like being loved by God. It is what we need more than anything. It liberates us from pretense, humbles us out of our self-righteousness, and fortifies us for any difficulty life can throw at us." ~Timothy Keller

To Love is Complicated, Scary and often Intense. To be Truly Loved -- even more so. For that means you have to let someone in, past your barriers and defenses. You have to let them see the Good, as well as the Bad. To be Truly Loved, you must let someone know you. You must risk Rejection. You must risk their disgust, repulsion, anger, fear, Pain. Is Love worth this? Not to many. People would rather be content with Superficial Love than risk this.

But I think, like with God - Known Love is one of the MOST Beautiful, Amazing, Awe-Inspiring things EVER. Known Love certainly has risks with sinful humans. I know all too well how cruel people can be when they see you at your most vulnerable. People whom you love and whom love you. That's a part of Life in a Broken World. And it can completely shatter your heart.

But that's where God comes in. He knows us better than any other! He knows our Depravity and Insignificance. He know Everything and yet He LOVES us and sees our Value! With Him, we become Worthy! With Him we become Strong! With Him we can Love as He does! We can risk our Heart being Shattered - with Complete Trust that God will piece the shards back together. Every Time. Even more Beautiful than before.

With God the risks are WorthIt. With God - Known Love is possible. To have two people united in Christ - fully known to each other and God - WOW. To have no barriers or secrets. To know someone at their worst and vice versa - but to Trust that they won't forsake you! Because they already knew. They KNOW you. And they want to walk with you hand-in-hand on this Pilgrimage Home. Or maybe at arm's length when your fighting ;)

Because you will fight. You will get hurt. Badly hurt. You will be cruel to each other. But through it all - you will turn to Him. God will give you His Strength to overcome the Pain that sin causes. He will draw you back together Every Time you want to run away from the hurt that comes with being fully known to a sinful human.

A relationship like this? FrigginA man. Together, you can move mountains for our Lord! Powerful! Beautiful! Worth more than I will ever own, even were I to become a bazillionaire :) Patience is not my strongest virtue. But a Love like this -- it's worth waiting for.

Love like this can only be found with You, my Lord. Please don't let me ever forget that. Please remind me what Superficial Love looks like if I ever stray from Patience. Please, please never let me risk Pain with someone who is unwilling to do the same. Never let me risk my heart with someone who would leave at the first sign if trouble. Give me a man who asks for Your Strength Lord. For You know - they'll surely need it with me.