Thursday, August 25, 2016

The Nature of Contradiction

Women are Complicated Creatures. This is Known. We are confusing to many and often even to ourselves. Much of this is what I've harped on many times -- how we've lost the true essence of a woman over the centuries. We've labeled her strengths as weaknesses and forced her to evolve as a man to be seen with respect or to have an equal value to that of a man's. But, as a whole - those are not the thoughts that have been trampling my mind this morning - spinning through my head with the force of a hurricane. No - this morning I found my myself obsessing over Contradiction. I found my mind will not let this go and this eventually drives me to type until the subject is exhausted enough that my mind will leave it be. What about contradiction has me in such a tizzy this morning? That it's seen as a bad thing - when it's not. It's not good either. It just is.

Mind you - I'm not talking about hypocrisy and No - they are not the same thing. They are related - but they are distinctly different. Defined by Google - Hypocrisy is the practice of claiming to have moral standards or belief's to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense. This word is often thrown around willy-nilly, Incorrectly and let's not get my started on a tangent that has me ranting about it. So for now - I'm relegating my monologue to the word "Contradiction":

Contradiction is not morally good or bad - it's just another element of this world. It is often seen by the world as "Bad" because of my usual tirade on men versus women. Men are stereotypically logical, rational creatures. Women, being made in the image of man, but vastly different in order to complete him - are going to of course have different strengths that compliment a man's. We tend to use emotional reasoning and are #Contradictory. Women by nature tend to be way more introspective than our male counter-parts. Our minds rarely shut up and we try to put it to good use. As a result - we often see more than a male does in a situation. Men tend to dislike using their brains unless they have to and then they use it as a tool to fix something. And they are happy to turn it off when it's not needed. A feat that often baffles me. Women wield their minds without effort. In fact - it could be argued that our minds wield us on occasion. I know I often think of it as a separate entity that simply won't leave me alone. It comes from part of the original curse. God cursed us to obsess over men as a punishment in Eden. Go look it up. I wrote a blogpost about it at some point so I won't be reiterating. And that obsession became part of our makeup. We worry more than the average male because we obsess over Everything. And while obsession can be a flaw, depending on what one is obsessed with - it is not a flaw in and of itself either. I am happy to obsess over God's Love for me for example. So what does this have to do with contradiction? I'm getting there. Patience is a virtue child. One I often loath - but it is nevertheless.

So women are obsessive, our minds often won't let a subject drop and we can analyze it till it's dead and rotting. Sometimes a bad thing, but honestly - not as often as it can be a very Good thing indeed. I'll use myself as an example because this'll be killing two goliath's with one stone(cause I couldn't kill a bird silly). I am the epitome of women in SO Many ways and my Contradictory Nature is most definitely part of this. Yesterday I wanted a homebody day - but in the end - went out for several errands and enjoyed myself immensely. My gpa lovingly laughed when he mentioned this. That's what got me thinking about it honestly. That and how I can love a man, want him to kiss me and want to shake the living daylights out of him simultaneously. I can also have a five minute debate in where I believe something so passionately at the beginning and the exact opposite at the end. In all these things I seem to contradict myself.

But honestly - they aren't contradictions whatsoever. Now that I'm thinking it out - Women are not actually Contradictory - we just think So Much with minds that go So Fast -- men can't keep up. We simply change our minds at the speed of light and often back again. And No. Again - this is NOT a bad thing. You would be a Fool to think it is. Women change their minds because they are constantly assessing and reassessing a situation. Time is always moving forward, taking the world with it. People are new every morning and women are smart enough to know they must constantly reevaluate their ideas on opinions and people. We are often more adaptable to change then men because of this, although not always. Nobody really likes change, but women are more likely to see that it exists all around us. And of course - we're supposed to. We are men's helpers. Equal to men in every way but with a different purpose. Men are meant to rule - women are meant to make sure they do it well. We are meant to push men for they would not do it themselves. Without us they would still be cavemen, apes or whatever you believe about the dawn of creation. Men need women. Women need men. We are equal, but different. And it's time to start celebrating those differences. I will start by celebrating that I seem to be a walking contradiction. When in fact - I just can't turn my brain off and I'm always searching for Truth. I thank You God for this gift, even if it drives me to distraction.

With all the Imperfect Love that I Possess

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