Saturday, August 27, 2016

Life is Complicated

Life is Complicated. And while I agree that people are the reasons for the complications, I disagree with how people tend to use the phrase: "You're over-complicating it." Bullshit. Whenever I hear those words, my hackles raise. Why? Because many of us realize that Life is already complicated and at this point the World is such a mess you can't find Truth if it bites you in the ass. If you choose to believe otherwise you are blinding yourself to reality. I understand why people do this. For a very, very long time I would break down and cry out that it wasn't fair. The reply was always "Life's not fair." And my response was always "Well it should be." And it should. Life should be fair - we all understand this. Although - few understand that if life was fair - we wouldn't be discussing this at all. No. We'd already be thrown to hell. We're thankful that life's NOT fair - if we have the ability to understand this. And if you've talked to God enough about the realities of life you can easily understand that the same rings true for Life Complications. And because I love analogies...
Think about your most complicated relationship. Think about how often you have to defend remaining in that person's life. We all have someone like that - or many someones. Think about all those cliche memes that float around the internet. The memes about "Real Friends" and how that is utter Bullshit. If you don't already know that then you probably aren't at the point where you will understand what I'm talking about in the slightest. The longer you have a relationship with someone - the more complicated it becomes. Good or bad - that's not what I'm talking about. When you've known someone closely for an extended amount of time - particularly when you go through hardcore shit together - there comes a point where explaining your friendship to another is simply impossible. If someone were to try to simplify a decade of ups and downs you would probably get exasperated with them. You might think or even say -- "you don't understand". Because they don't. And if you think relationships shouldn't have ups and downs - you're right and a Fool.
While sin is in this world and in our own hearts - there will never be a perfect relationship involving humans. Every single one will have complexities. It's true that they shouldn't - but we chose, and choose, to disobey. And that changes a lot of shit for the Realities of Life. We were cursed with sin and we will be unable to do anything perfectly until The Day. ESPECIALLY Relationships. We fuck up. Our friends fuck up. Our family and significant other fucks up. It's Life. Suck it up Buttercup. Accept that you are a screw up. Despite what we're subconsciously taught - acceptance does not go hand-in-hand with contentment. Acceptance is actually what goes hand-in-hand with Growth. We are all sinners in need of God's Grace. This is known and Most Definitely NOT understood. We do not sin by accepting that we do sin. We sin by not asking forgiveness and then asking God for help when we do. If you cannot accept that you are a sinner, you cannot fully understand your need for a savior. And whether you know it now or not - you do. We all do.
In a World that Needs Love - Real Love. The kind of Love you look for in others who will Always Fail you -- He's the only One Who won't. And His Relationship with His Chosen demonstrates this quite clearly. Look at those idiots the Israelites. How often have you rolled your eyes at the stories of their indiscretions, their betrayal, their blindness, their forgetfulness, their Foolishness in their relationship with a God Who so clearly only wants the best for them? Dude - they are SO an analogy for every Christian's relationship with God. If you don't think you're just as dumb as the Israelites - and I sure as hell know that I Totally am - than you are still letting sin blind you. And if you're like me and can easily admit you're Utter Foolishness - than look for the Hope in that relationship. He Promised them LIFE. The Forever Kind. He Promised me. He Promised US.
And when it comes to God and His people - that is the Most Complicated Relationship of all -- and yet simultaneously the least complicated one out there. There is only One Truth and it is GOD. He is the only solid, reliable thing in this world. The least complicated part of this mess of a life. And still crazy ass complicated! Everything else in this World has had a Lifetime - Literally - to become a confusing ClusterFuck. If you think your best friend of a couple decades has a complicated friendship with you - Imagine what several centuries is like! I do believe that Life was once black and white. It is no longer. Because of sin entering the world - so to did Grey. So to did the inability to see Truth clearly even when it is there. Do not ask people to simplify Life - that is a feat that only God can do, and will do - in His Own Timing. Right now - it's best to pray to see the complexities clearly. To see where sin is affecting black and white - to see the grey and understand it better. People do not often over-complicate shit. It's already been done, by All of Us. We "simply" need to ask God to see this mess clearly. We need to let Him use us to UnComplicate this ClusterFuck we've made for ourselves. But that is easier said than done - don't I know. I want an Easy Button. Good Day Charlie Brown and Good "Luck" seeing the World as God does. It's Terrifying, although often Beautiful -- and SO Totally Worth It.

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