Monday, September 12, 2016

My View on Politics?

You know I'm crazy. You know I'm Intense. You ready to follow the White Rabbit down to Wonderland? You ready to see what I see in this World? Many times my view of the world is SO Beautiful I cry just looking around. I did that at Church these past two Sundays. I cried with my friends at Study this week. I cry when I see a rainbow, a butterfly, a waterfall. I believe there is Such Beauty in the World! Stunning, Breathtaking Beauty that brings me to my knees in Amazement. There is also Ugliness. Deep-seated and Lethal. The kind that has me curled in a ball, begging for God to bring me Home Now Please. And that brings me to my subject: Politics.

Me and my roomies were actually discussing this subject tonight. Not something we do often as we all have vastly different opinions on this subject. We also each have an Incredibly Low Tolerance for Conflict. Thankfully this discussion was fairly shallow and filled with laughter as we discussed The CheeseBerglar Army that I would lead when the Revolution Begins ;)

But in all Seriousness -- I do believe a Revolution is Coming. I have believed this and shared this thought even before I knew the candidates for this 2016 election. I've actually only voted once since I was old enough - and I regret that I did. People never like hearing that - you can't effect change if you don't vote and all that. I'm sorry - but I Truly Believe our Political System is too far gone to be helped at this point. It's going down in flames and I don't want to try to put out the fire with my little cup of water. And I'm thinking perhaps it was God who lit the match. Perhaps the Decrepit Building that maybe was once Beautiful - needs to be Burned to the ground - that we can rebuild. I know that's a terrifying concept. None of us like change and me high among those. But I see how it is often necessary - even if it hurts like a Bitch.

And I simply cannot see God continuing to allow the Disgusting turn our Country has taken. If you know me - you know Exactly where I'm going with this. Our Country may still be all about Freedom and Justice - but more so than that - it stands for Division. US against THEM. No matter who we are or even who "they" are. We look for fights and are eager to jump in when they begin. We are a Country that Thrives off Drama and Reality TV Shows. Sarcasm, humor, laughter have become weapons at our disposal. Education and knowledge, in able hands, can be more lethal than a gun. We don't care about Truth!!! We care about being right!! And no matter the cost...or who we hurt in the process.

You can see this in the way I declare my own stance. Everything has become a battle! It often seems to be all we know! Even when the battle is for Peace. I don't know how this will change, how it even can change - only that it must. We cannot continue this way. It's Morally WRONG. God will eventually put His Foot down and say NO More. And so - when the time comes and the Revolution for Change begins -- I won't flee our Country. No - I'm not gonna pack my bags and take the first plane out. No. Oh no. No matter what - I want to be here, in the front-lines, fighting for God. Whether the battle is in my own home, on the field or perhaps in the Cloud - I want to be Here...Fighting for Peace. God Willing.

As for this election? It may still shock some of you, but I don't see how. As a middle schooler I learned not to watch the news. Recently I was reminded why and I don't have to know it's on to start flinching at the very tone they use in their "friendly debates". Politics is Cruel. Political Parties have always been at each other's throats and it simultaneously makes me livid and breaks my heart to hear such anger at another human being. "Political Intrigue" is a romanticized phrase that describes the disgusting cancer that is eating away at America's soul. There are people who are within the system who understand right from wrong - but even they eventually have to "Play the Game" - in order to make a Difference. Games for personal gain. Or one step up from that, Games to make a Difference. But a Difference for whom? 

Black Lives Matter. We Support LGBT. Women Deserve Better. People just want a voice! So many injustices that need to be heard!! But what happens when there are so many crying out at once? In the end - No One is heard. It is just a insane-asylum cacophony of screams. You want to be Heard? Then try using one voice. Just. One.

We always said we America was the "Melting Pot".....What a Joke.

You can go ahead and pray for your candidate. You pray for your party to succeed. Pray that our Country elects a Great Leader that will put our country to rights. Pray for all those unrealistic and selfish travelling mercies. I will pray for Change at whatever the Cost. I will pray for Strength and Courage - that our Country will pull together when Change occurs - and does NOT Continue to Unravel at the Seams. 9/11 was one of the Most Horrific and Terrifying events of my youth, but one thing that stands out to me above all the horror that happened - was the LOVE that followed. Our Country stood as one. We reached out to each other. As a Nation - it was one of the most Unifying things I have Ever gotten to Experience. And while I will Certainly NOT be praying for that - I do not discount that it may happen again.

And if it does...perhaps I will get to play out my BucketList Desire of Reign of Fire Battle Cry Epicness after all. Even as a child I never wanted to die quietly in my sleep. I always wanted to go out fighting - fighting for God. What's cool is that No Matter What - that dream is already reality. Fighting does not have to involve a Battle Axe. My weapon of choice these days, is Prayer - and I would be happy to leave this World and Finally join my God in Heaven - with my last words being that kind of battle cry. So, let me take a moment and pray to pray on my last day of life in this world. Whether it be now or a century from now(I beg of You - Please don't keep me here that long) - let me Praise Your Name with my very last breath.

Never Forget --- This is NOT our HOME. Do NOT get comfortable. Do NOT Fight for the World. Follow God and Fight for HIM. I pray this for each of this. I pray this for me.

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