Wednesday, May 17, 2017

I am NOT a Dumb Bunny

I rarely, if ever - try to explain my Life to others. I cannot Stand the question, "So, what do you do?" Or that other Absolutely Terrible Question. "Hey, how are you?" Simple questions spoken for Small Talk. People ask the questions without even considering that the answer will be anything but a cliche answer. A normal job with an income or "Fine, thanks - and how are you?" WHY? Why do people do this?

Oh - that's rhetorical. I know the answer. I just hate it. We go through the motions to be polite. These are social etiquettes and norms that most everyone is accustomed to. Well Fuck That. If you're going to blithely ansk a question - you should occasionally be shocked out of your comfort zone with the TRUTH.

How am I doing today? Well, actually today I'm doing aight. But that's not always the answer! Some days the answer is "Fucking Shitty - Not really Glad you insisted on knowing even when I tried to dodge the question several times." I mean, and do you really think you have time to sit down and know Why? Or even think you deserve to know why when you only asked me in passing and we don't know each other at all? Seriously - that's some nerve!

If you're going to ask people a question - make sure you're prepared to not only hear the answer - but have time to follow up on it! If you want to care - don't just make a show of it - make an effort!

Not everyone has a normal life! Not everyone is "Fine thanks." Actually - I would say pretty much nobody is the latter - so don't be surprised when someone actually confesses the Truth. Some days I'm fucking shitty. No, it's not a big deal. It's just apart of Life. Because Life isn't all rainbows and butterflies. Life isn't fully of happy emojis. People hurt, they cry, they rant and scream. And THAT. Is. LIFE.

I may not be able to build a bridge and get over the Pain itself - but I sure as Hell can do that with the knowledge that it exists. Perhaps you should do the same.

And why am I ranting about all this right now? I don't know. Nobody made me angry. Nobody ticked me off. It's quite possibly because today I want SO Badly to be Normal. To be Average and Boring! I want it more than I convey. And that's never going to be me. When God said I had to stay on this Sin-infested planet - He didn't give me the choice anymore. And so I'm stuck here and have learned to accept that - enjoy it even. I have learned to embrace what makes me different.

But some days - some days I have to remember that it is indeed a Good Thing - a GOD Thing - the differences that make me, me. I have to remember that's it's alright to go against social norms. I have to remember that I was unable to live as an Average Girl. That only embracing my peculiarities and quirks was I truly able to find Joy in Life and in Following God. Sometimes anger is the spark that helps me remember it's ok to be me. Because the anger is at all those insecurities inside me that say - you're not Good Enough...and you never will be.


I SPIT IN THE FACE of BROKENNESS - you Hear Me?! I Spit in the Face of SIN.

I am Good enough. God made me SO. He is the Great I AM and I am HIS. And that is More than Enough!!! You got that?!? I am Enough. I am His.

I just have to Remember sometimes.
I have to remind myself I am not a Dumb Bunny. I am His Feral Princess.

End Crazy Rant

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