Wednesday, October 26, 2016

When are we Worthy?

The answer?

I was watching that Favorite Show of mine tonight...
There was a line that really resonated with me. A line I often think about.

"I wanna be the man your daughter deserves."

This idea - how often has it crossed my mind? The idea that we have to wait until we are Worthy. That we cannot follow God until we have reached a certain point in our maturity?

This is So Very, Very Wrong.

It is what kept me from God even when I no longer wanted to run from Him.
The idea that I had to be at a certain stage of life and understanding before I could approach Him.
When - in fact - we cannot reach any level of maturity without Him.

We are all Children of God and we are all Immature.
From Now until the day Christ comes back - this Aint gonna change.
As many tears as I've cried begging to be perfect and have all the answers now, it still won't change this Fact of Life.

While I'm not condoning any silly act based on my words - I think it's important to get priorities straight.
And Living Life - it's about Following God.
It's not about a 10 year plan involving a diploma or a job.
It's not about friends and family.
It's not about Happiness or Temporal Security.

We are here for God.
Him Alone.

Nothing else comes first.

And honestly. When that really sinks in.
Everything else just starts falling into place.

Spend less time worrying about Life going according to Plan.
Stop trying to Control Everything.
Don't worry about whether you're Ready or Not.
Why should you?
You're NEVER Gonna be Ready.

Nobody ever is.
You can feel like you are sometimes.
Just fyi - that's typically when God will throw you for a loop just to prove a point.
Cause Life is Hard and it's constantly changing.

One day you have a job - the next day you don't.
Or a Home.
Or a Family.

There's nothing you can't lose in this world...
Except He that is Eternal.

Do you see what I'm getting at?
Am I saying it right at all?

Stop trying to Prepare and Prove you're ready for something.
You're Not.

Someone wise once told me, "I'm just making this shit up as I go."
It's stuck with me.

Because it's how we need to live, in a way.
God will often throw curve balls to us.
He likes to keep us on our toes.
I mean - otherwise we'd forget Him quickly and find false idols for our sin-filled hearts to worship.

God knows this.
He accounts for it.
The Difficult Moments in Life that catch us by Surprise are Very Much a Blessing for this Just this Reason.
We are not perfect and we never will be.
We are not ready for Life or even God.
We never will be.

But that doesn't matter.
For God chooses us.
Not the other way around.

We have no control.
We have no ability to do the right thing on our own.
We cannot even Live on our own.

I do not think plans are bad, nor do I think making shit up on the fly is always good.

But from a person who needed everything Decided and Understood NOW -
I see the benefit of flexibility.
I see the Good that comes out of NOT Knowing what the Friggin Hey is going on.

Because God Knows All.
God Sees All.
God Understands All.

He's Omni

And we are His people.

It's not about having a plan.
It's not about being worthy or ready.
There is nothing to prepare you for much of what God has in store for you.

You would have to be Omni for any of that.
Are you?
Are you Omni?

Then Stop.
Granted - there's no Easy Button for this.
You can't really just - Stop.

So at least hear me as I say - if you're doing what I did...
If you're controlling your Life with an Iron Grip, what you're really doing...
Is Strangling it.

Ease up Thunder.
Let God do the planning.
The thinking.
The understanding.

Let God have control.

He's a lot better at steering the ship.
I mean - He is the Captain and all.

And while I will be the first to say this hella hard to do...
Living a Life with God in Control...
Well - you won't go Titanic like I did anyhoot :D

And even if you do - He's greater than any chunk of Ice.
He can save you.
He did me.
Even as I filled with water, broke in two and started dragging others into my agony...
He saved us all.

And because of this...
This and SO Much More...

I Trust Him

And that is where it begins.

No matter what your root sin is, whether it be Fear or Pride or something else entirely.
A Relationship with God is based on Trust through His Love.

If you don't Trust Him with your Life.
Well then - what do you think Christ died for anyways?
You don't trust God with something He's already Saved? For Eternity?

And this is also - Most Definitely NOT Something that has an Easy Button.

Oh Bother

To really get that one down - no amount of legalistic crap will help.
No formula - as friggin much as I'd love one.

You need Prayer.

Talk to HIM

Relationships need communication.
Particularly the ones that are in Trouble.
If you aren't communicating - you're already on your way out.

So talk to God.
And Listen for Him.

He's not as loud as us.
And He talks different.
I aint no prophet and if I heard the voice of God I would immediately admit myself back into Holly Hill.

But He definitely will talk to you through a variety of methods.
I mean - He's pretty much always talking.
It actually gets Obnoxious once you hear him.
Then you can't shut Him up even when you don't want His advice.

I know I know. I should like that He's a Busybody.
But I'm not Perfect and I'm not too proud to admit that He can piss me off with what He wants me to do.
Or what He doesn't want me to do.

And of course - I also really love Him for it.

So take a moment today.
Talk to God.
And then Listen.
Not with your ears - but with God's ears.

I've also been recently told that those times when you can almost hear something, something your ears have been straining for, but unable to quite grasp. When you quiet your head. Quiet your heart. When you let yourself just Listen without distraction - then the Volume increases - all on it's own.
This, I believe, is Exactly how it works with God also.

With all my Imperfect Love,

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