Saturday, September 26, 2015

"Door of Hope"

Hey All,

I’ve mentioned a woman, who has a love for single teen moms that few can rival. There are many I know who can relate to the story of these girls, whether or not it also involved having the responsibilities of a mother. You each empower me when I think of your stories and how far you have come! I struggle to think I could ever join the ranks of such amazing women who have been to hell and back and still fight for hope!

So I thought I’d share with you, a woman who is intimately involved with others like us, and has such moving stories of suffering, pain...and hope. And when you struggle to find the fight in you on those “closet days” - when life is trying, again, to knock you down, you can read the stories of other girls, who are also fighting! The struggle to climb out of that abyss of despair is NEVER easy, but in knowing there are others there with you, attempting the same impossible feat...Well, if we go all “Antz” and work together, maybe we can build a human ladder just high enough to see the world again. "Antz" ending scene (definitely NOT a perfect analogy, but I’ll work on it. It has potential.)

Her name is Shannon and she works in Honduras with Puerta De Esperanza “Door of Hope”. Isn’t that a great name for this mission? She is a mother of five beautiful children and has the capability to love so many more! A little about this “mission of hope” can be found at Puerta de Esperanza while Shannon herself has a blog that shares some of those stories I believe you will find, touch your soul like they have mine. Shannon's Blog

I encourage you to look at these stories with an open mind. We might not all struggle in the exact same ways, or find the same answers in our search for “truth”, but that doesn’t mean we can’t relate to just about anyone if we keep an open heart. I, myself, struggle with most preachers. I find that whenever I listen to someone give a talk, that I can’t interrupt ;) , I have to remind myself to not listen with a chip on my shoulder. This can be hard, as I’ve never agreed with a pastor 100% and some I have outwardly raged about. However, I’ve found that when I look for what I can relate too, no matter how small or rare in what I consider a very poor sermon, it opens so many more doors!

In having, even one good thing to say about something you’ve heard, gives you opportunities and relationships you never would have otherwise! No one wants to be blown away with all that’s wrong in something they’ve said. If you point out all the problems, without anything nice to say, they will just shut down and you’ve accomplished nothing. I’ve had people say that they are just trying to speak the truth and don’t care what others think. But, if you aren’t trying to change people's’ minds on something you see as a truth, then why are you ranting?

How is it helpful in our goal, to change the world for the better, to just preach to people who only agree with you? If you don’t know who I’m talking to - Good. Because I’m not just talking about myself, college students, target shoppers, protesters, vegans, hunters, pit-bull owners, I mean - the list is never ending. Whether you admit it or not, you have a passion that you want to share. We all do. So take what I have with a grain of salt, for I have a passion now as well. I have a passion for the hopeless and the ones in this abyss of despair.
And I’m only starting how to learn how to share this passion in a loving way. But now that I’m no longer just, surviving, I will learn and grow. I will get better at sharing this passion of mine with you without ranting. Please bear with me until I do, for it is not anger that causes this. Like so many, it’s love. Love for people who hurt in ways I have and I can’t bear to sit by and just watch. I don’t wish this suffering on my worst enemy, much less my friends. This has proved problematic as sometimes learning the hard way, is the most effective way.

There are many times I wish I could be the savior and take the suffering of my loved ones in their place. Even with this desire, I know that I cannot. But I still find myself wondering if there’s a way to become a superhero in this day and age. Please do not tell me if there is, because it would probably not be good to give me that kind of power. I may have good intentions, but I screw up just as much as the next person, and I would not be able to handle the responsibilities of Savior.

Thanks for listening and go check out Shannon’s Passion! I will work on preparing for your thoughts and comments :) .


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