Tuesday, November 15, 2016

A Ramble on Grossness & Bullies

If you are an Elite of Polite Society or if things gross you out easily - please steer clear of this odd rambling post...

I was thinking, I know it's a dangerous habit of mine -- and about gross things too nonetheless! Certainly not a topic for a lady to dwell on, much less talk or write about! And I'm about to do so - Oh My!!! That's alright - I've long since learned to ditch the stress and pain that comes from trying to fit in some Christian, societal mold that God was SO Not on Board with. So - Presenting a Woman of God's thoughts on Grossness:

We all have things that gross us out, and in general bodily functions gross most people out all around. At least, they'll say that. I'll be Real with you - I think earwax is Way Cool. Like, enthralling. As is pimple-popping. Yeah - I can hear the ews. I don't care. There's nothing immoral about liking earwax dude. It's not like I set up a shrine and worship it. So calm your tits.

But I don't think all gross things are cool. Vomit, blood, feces, urine - these are all preeeetty gross in my eyes. They're also not gag worthy to me either. Honestly, I've just helped so many drunk friends that it just isn't able to phase me anymore. I think Mommas are the same in this accord(substitute drunk friend for child obvs ;) ).

The one bodily function that is hurl-worthy in my eyes - is phlegm. The very thought makes me gag. Every winter I get a cold that has this as a by-product and I'm perpetually struggling with nausea. I have actually thrown up from not being able to spit it out. Also why I started carrying handkerchiefs and sleep with a plastic trashcan by my bed.

We all do gross things. For some reason it's a taboo subject. Don't ask me why - it's not Biblical so I certainly thinks it's a crock of Baloney. I actually encourage my friends to cut-the-cheese in front of me. Why? Because that means they're comfortable enough with me to do so. If food doesn't agree with you - you're gonna have an issue with gas. Please don't ever think that I will call you Gross for it.

Calling someone Gross, or suggesting it in anyway should never be something people do without thought. It's not funny. And it can scar a person. I cringe every time I contract an illness because there's the ongoing joke of "You're sick? Ew! Don't get near me!" as if I concocted some evil plan to take over the world with the flu, starting with my friends. Dude - I'm already sick and miserable. For Fuck's Sake - don't rub it in.

And you don't know where different people are sensitive, particularly if you are so careless as to throw the word "Ew" around all will-nilly. I have a friend who is terrified of their own body odor. Showers constantly because they were "teased" about this. Dude - call it what it is. It's bullying. I don't care how "funny" you think it is, or the person your "teasing" seems to think it is. It's not kind and certainly not moral. I went a couple years with an inability to control my bowels in my twenties. It was Humiliating on a whole nother level. Thankfully that level of grossness is rarely teased on without it being blatantly bullying, but there are smaller issues.

How often do you shame someone for something they can't control? Or just as bad - you shame them for a choice they make - that God is ok with? Who are you to go against God?! Fool. People should be allowed to be Vegetarian without being Bullied. They should be allowed to not eat Gluten - or Eat Gluten. As a Christian you shouldn't be teasing people for they choices on things that God doesn't have an opinion on.

Or maybe you think he does in the diet area. Let's try something else - fashion. Some people do think God has an opinion on this, but lemme ask you - do you really think He cares that someone is wearing camo in church? Or does He care that they came? Are you really so blind that you think that He is so shallow to care  if a boy has long hair or wears hott pink? Do you think God cares more that about whether someone wardrobe matches? Or whether their actions and words match their beliefs? Please try to understand that "funny" quips on someone's fashion sense is unkind and immoral. My personal sin in this area - is crocks. I have also done this with fanny packs, highwaters and capri pants. Yeah - the jokes are funny. But funny is not always moral. Often - it's the exact opposite.

And the Christian World is no different than the rest of the World in this, they've just already earned their way to Heaven by following God. They no longer need to worry about how cruel sarcasm is because it helps keep their little bubble world small and sin-free. Who knows who would come through the Church Doors if they started being Real?! If they thought about the ramifications of their words and actions through not only their own eyes but the eyes of others?! They might get smokers! Or people who curse! But oh dear - what if some flamboyant cross-dressers walked in the front door - where would the children go so they're not exposed to such outrageous sins?! Oh me Oh my - oh for Fuck's Sake. Grow Up. You are more dangerous to your children's sanity and sanctity than an Awesome lgbt person who is all about acceptance and love.

We make many choices that people will judge us for. Whether it's "teasing" or outright cruelty. I, myself - think cursing is fine, within certain parameters. And I admit that I struggle with looking down on others for not being able to be as Real as me. It's not easy and so I often think people are simply pussies for not daring to do something that scares me shitless. Same for physical pain - I struggle with rolling my eyes when someone shows me their cute little boo-boo that's half the size of the ones I acquire on a daily basis. We're all different. We all make different choices, have different strengths and weaknesses.

There's no reason to look down on another for being different, because we're also all the same. We're each fucked up sinners in need of God's Grace and Love. You may not agree with me in a lot of what I believe - but I pray that you will agree with me here. And if that is the case, I think we can respect each other's decisions enough to not be so unkind as to "tease" someone because they burped in public, eat food off the ground, are grammatically incorrect, wear crocks, drink caffeine at 10pm, etc. If you are truly concerned for a person's well being because of any of the above - talk to them, but don't crack jokes. I will no longer tolerate any such mean-spirited "jokes". I will call you out. It's not ok and it never was.

And yes - I know I'm the Ultimate Fuck Up. Don't tell me I'm pointing the finger at others to get it off my own heart. I have two fingers if you remember. And fyi - the one pointing at me is hella crueler than the one I point at others. But it rarely lets up on giving me a piece of it's mind. I don't actually get a break from conviction. It's a 24/7 roller coaster of "How did I screw up this time and what can I learn from it?" But that's enough negativity for now. And since I have this ridiculous passion for ending on a good note...

1:25 forward - her "Ugh Face" is Priceless :D

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